"Kathryn Cobb taught me the essentials of interview training...I developed the confidence to self-assuredly answer every question the judges fired my way. I recommend Kathryn Cobb Communications to anyone who is interested in improving their interview skills. She made me believe I could become Miss South Carolina and I did just that!"

> Miss South Carolina 1998
"Thanks so much for all your support! I'm so happy we've been able to enjoy each other's company again! All the help with interview before and while I was at Miss USA was fabulous! Nothing but the best! God Bless!

> Miss South Carolina USA 2003
> Top Ten at Miss USA
> 2nd Runner Up at Miss USA World 2004
"Thank you so much for your valuable advice on interview and pageant preparation. You are the best and I thank you so much for helping me from the bottom of my heart."

> Miss South Carolina USA 1996
"As my mentor, Kathryn has provided me with speech training, interview coaching and over all pageant consulting that has prepared me not only for competition, but for my future as well."
"This Crown should be on your head. The Best Coach in the world!"

> Miss South Carolina USA 1995
"Not only has Kathyrn Cobb taught me everything I know about interview preparation, but she has given me the self-confidence and motivation to become a true winner."

> Miss South Carolina Teen USA 1995
> Mrs. United States 2008
"Caroline did really well in interview (#6) and I know the knowledge she gained from previous sessions with you helped her to do so well in national interview. We both recommend you highly when friends ask us about pageant preparation." PAM BRIGMAN

Mother of
> Miss South Carolina Teen USA 1997
"Words could never express how much you mean to me. You helped me to grow as a person and you helped me to look into myself to find the perfect interview. I definitely could not have done it without your help and guidance. I look forward to your continued help and support and make you proud in Mobile, AL."

> SC Junior Miss 2004
> Top Ten at Nationals
> Overall Talent Winner


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